»Jähzorn« (»Violent Temper«) — Exhibition
A self-initiated and organized exhibition about violent temper, the cause of it and —most importantly— the results. It was about simply letting out that feeling and exposing the beauty of it, shown in many artworks contributed by a large group of friends. The visual communication of this project lays special focus upon the character »ä«. It is a letter, very own of the German alphabet, just as anger is believed to be an intrinsic German emotion (especially in the southern parts), mostly kept inside and, therefore, generating uncontrollable powers. The »ä« —looking like the angriest of all letters — appears on every poster, invitation, on the website and on several pieces of work shown at the exhibition.
In collaboration with Victoria Jung, Theresa Gielnik, Frederik Sutter, Sebastian Schmitt, Annabelle Höpfer und Isabelle Schmidt-Borzel
Constance, Germany 2015