»Sieben Tanten« (»Seven Aunts«) — Novel, Bachelor Thesis
A novel about the history of a bosnian family and the history of the country itself. While researching for my bachelor thesis I came to the conclusion that only a written story with actual words could express the multitude of things that I wanted to tell. During the four years of studying graphic design. I had always enjoyed speaking a visual language but this time the complicity of the matter necessitated the written language. I traveled to Bosnia — to the roots of my family — and came back not only with a whole new perspective of the country but also with many texts which were later combined into a book. The typographic diversity reflects the different plots, the illustrations reflect the memory of my childhood. It is a very personal project which eventually paved the way to pursue another passion: writing.
Supervised by Prof. Valentin Worbs and Prof. Karin Kaiser
Constance, Germany 2016–2017